Sunday, October 31, 2010

Digital Stories - Boys & Girls Club

I am faced with the realization that, tomorrow, I could face very different situations. We will be working with kids who are all at different points in the process of developing their digital stories; some will have already interviewed their selected persons, and some will not have even started that part of the process. So, the question has to be asked--how am I prepared to address this?

In her email to us, Professor Dolson asked the following questions:
1. What helped you the most [in the development of your digital story]?
2. Did you choose sort of a central message you wanted to get across and then choose key facts that you needed to put into the story to make the message make sense and have impact?

I felt these questions are the most crucial to our session tomorrow with the kids. For me, the one thing that helped me the most in the development of my digital story was simply the interview. Before interviewing Dr. Datta, I had no idea what direction I would try to take with my DS. However, after speaking with him, I instantly knew where I wanted to carry my story and the message that I would try to get across.

Thus, for me, I would emphasize the importance of the interview first and foremost to the development of a great digital story. It carries so much weight, and no matter how much planning goes into the digital story beforehand, the interview can completely alter that. For those who have not conducted their interviews, I recommend them brainstorm what they want to ask their interviewee, and for those who have already conducted this part of the DS development process, I would ask them to listen to their interviews as much as possible to pick out something they find interesting enough to talk about in their digital story.

It is impossible to completely plan out a session such as this, because it can be very unpredictable, especially dealing with young children. However, I am confident that we'll have great success, and assist the kids in making progress with their digital stories.

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